Al-Most Christianity

We tend to be aware of differences between churches roughly described as denominations. I want to suggest that across every denomination there are strata of believers that have a central tenet of Christianity, usually Jesus, but most of their practice of Christianity is directed by an “-al.” There are multiple “-als” and when others see …

Count the Cost of NOT Being a Disciple

In Jesus’ ministry he confronted the religious leaders many times, calling out their hypocrisy or how they twisted the Scriptures. You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. Matthew 22:29 ESV For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’ …

Repentance and Reformation

In this world, there is sin (sin is death…little deaths and the big death), and given time in this world, sin eventually infects even the most perfect of ideas, governments, entertainments, relationships, economies, etc. This is why repentance is such an important discipline of the Christ-Followers lifestyle. Over time, anything planted in this world sucks …